
Actors are the do-ers in the screenplay. Actors set the scene, perform their hearts out, and then make dramatic assertions that will either see a happy ending or a tragic failure.

More seriously, the actors represent the users of your application, doing the things you’d expect them to do on it (or things you might not expect them to do). Screenplay Pattern focuses entirely on what your users hope to do on your site, so your test cases will focus on what the actors do, which includes gaining Abilities, performing Actions, and asking Questions.

Using Actors

To instantiate a new actor, just give it a name:

from import Actor, AnActor

Perry = AnActor.named("Perry")

Without any abilities, your actor will be woefully unprepared to begin their performance. To give your actor an ability, you can do something like:

from selenium.webdriver import Firefox
from screenpy.abilities import BrowseTheWeb


# For convenience, you can also do the same like this
Perry = AnActor.named("Perry").who_can(BrowseTheWeb.using(Firefox()))

Now, Perry is able to attempt any actions that require the ability to BrowseTheWeb. Attempting actions looks like this:

from screenpy import Target
from screenpy.actions import Click

EXAMPLE_LINK = Target.the("example link").located_by("//a")

You’ll notice we had to make a quick Target there. We’ll get to Targets later, but a quick summary is that they’re how you tell the actors where to perform the action.

In the above example, the action knows what ability it requires, and it will ask the actor to find its matching ability to perform the action. If the actor does not have that ability, the actor will raise an UnableToPerformError.

Now that our actor has performed an action, they are ready to perform a test. Tests are performed with Questions, like so:

from screenpy.questions import Text
from screenpy.resolutions import ReadsExactly

THE_WELCOME_MESSAGE = Target.the("welcome_message").located_by("span.welcome")
Perry.should_see_the((Text.of(THE_WELCOME_MESSAGE), ReadsExactly("Welcome!"))

That’s the whole flow! Your actor is now ready to exit:

In summary, actors:

Actor Class

class str)

Represents an actor, holding their name and abilities. Actors are the performers of your screenplay, they represent your users as they go about their business on your product.

An actor is meant to be instantiated using its static named() method. A typical invocation might look like:

Perry = Actor.named(“Perry”)

This will create the actor, ready to take on their first role.

ability_to(ability: Any) → Any

Syntactic sugar for uses_ability_to().

attempts_to(*actions) → None

Performs a list of actions, one after the other.

Parameters:actions – the list of actions to perform.
can(*abilities) →

Syntactic sugar for who_can().

exit() → None

The actor forgets all of their abilities, ready to assume a new role when their next cue calls them.

exit_stage_left() → None

Syntactic sugar for exit().

exit_stage_right() → None

Syntactic sugar for exit().

static named(name: str) →

Names this actor, logs their entrance, and returns the instance.

Parameters:name – the name of this new Actor.
perform(action: Any) → None

Performs the given action.

Parameters:action – the Actions to perform.
should_see(*tests) → None

Syntactic sugar for should_see_the().

should_see_that(*tests) → None

Syntactic sugar for should_see_the().

should_see_the(*tests) → None

Asks a series of questions, asserting that the expected answer resolves.

Parameters:tests – tuples of a Questions and a Resolutions.
Raises:AssertionError – If the question’s actual answer does not match the expected answer from the Resolutions.
uses_ability_to(ability: Any) → Any

Finds the ability referenced and returns it, if the actor is able to do it.

Parameters:ability – the ability to retrieve.
Returns:The requested ability.
Raises:|UnableToPerformError| – the actor doesn’t possess the ability.
was_able_to(*actions) → None

Syntactic sugar for attempts_to().

who_can(*abilities) →

Adds an ability to this actor.

Parameters:abilities – The abilities this actor can do.