
To install ScreenPy, run the following command in a virtual environment:

pip install screenpy

Official Extensions

There are several extensions to ScreenPy which are officially recognized. To install them, use pip’s extras feature. You can install multiple options by separating with commas:

pip install "screenpy[selenium,requests,allure]"


ScreenpPy Selenium adds the Ability to BrowseTheWeb using Selenium. It provides Actors with several Actions, Questions, and Resolutions to support testing web applications.

pip install "screenpy[selenium]"


ScreenPy Requests adds the Ability to MakeAPIRequests using Requests. It provides Actors with several Actions and Questions to support API testing.

pip install "screenpy[requests]"


ScreenPy Playwright adds the Ability to BrowseTheWebSynchronously using Playwright. It provides Actors with several Actions, Questions, and Resolutions to support using Microsoft’s webdriver.

pip install "screenpy[playwright]"


ScreenPy Appium adds the Abilities to UseAMobileDevice, UseAnAndroidDevice, and UseAnIOSDevice using Appium. It provides Actors with several Actions, Questions, and Resolutions to support mobile testing.

pip install "screenpy[appium]"


ScreenPy PyOTP adds the Ability to AuthenticateWith2FA using PyOTP. It uh, doesn’t provide anything else… currently. But Actors can use their Ability to get their 2FA token! (It’s also used by screenpy_selenium above.)

pip install "screenpy[pyotp]"


ScreenPy Adapter: Allure adds an Adapter for the Narrator which enables logging through Allure.

pip install "screenpy[allure]"