File Hierarchy

The key to a good Screenplay Pattern suite is understanding how the files all fit together. The hierarchy described herein is one example of how your project can organize and name its files. Renaming or reorganizing the files will not break any of ScreenPy’s functionality.

Here is an example hierarchy, with extra explanation below:

  • suite_root

    • features


      • etc…

    • tasks


      • etc…

Features Directory

The feature films! The story arcs! The whole point of the suite! These are the features of your application that you are testing; this is where all the actual test files go.

Tasks Directory

Tasks are descriptive ways to group one or more Actions that your Actors will do. There may be many tasks your Actors will need to perform.

For more information, see the Tasks section!

Directories for Custom Elements

You may have need of directories to hold custom Actions, Questions, or Abilities. This is a common thing!

You can name these new directories after the objects they contain. This is the organization strategy followed by ScreenPy itself. Or, you know, whatever works best for your team!