
When you are ready to make an assertion in your test, your Actor can ask a Question. The answer to this Question will be compared against a Resolution. This pairing forms an assertion in ScreenPy.

Our Complete Example used two Questions: AudienceTension and TopAudienceReaction. Let’s see how the latter might look:

# questions/
from screenpy import Actor

from ..abilities import PollTheAudience

class TopAudienceReaction:
    """Ask about the audience's most popular reaction.


        the_actor.should(See.the(TopAudienceReaction(), Equals(LAUGHING))

    def answered_by(self, the_actor: Actor) -> str:
        """Direct the actor to ask about the audience's top mood."""
        pollster = the_actor.ability_to(PollTheAudience).poll_connection
        return pollster.poll_mood().top_mood

A Question is Answerable, which is to say it has an answered_by method.

Passing a Question along with a Resolution into the See Action is how to make assertions in ScreenPy. The Question provides the actual value while the Resolution provides the expected value.

Where to Go from Questions