
Tasks are a grouping of Actions. They are Performable, just like Actions, which means they have a perform_as method. That is the only requirement.

You can create Tasks for a repeated group of Actions, like LogIn. You can also create Tasks to describe a group of Actions you only perform once with a more descriptive name, like ChangeProfilePicture.

There were two Tasks used in our Complete Example: CutToCloseUp and DollyZoom. Let’s look at how DollyZoom might be implemented:

# tasks/dolly_zoom.py
from typing import Optional

from screenpy import Actor
from screenpy.pacing import beat

from ..abilities import ControlCameras
from ..actions import Dolly, Simultaneously, Zoom

class DollyZoom:
    """Perform a dolly zoom (optionally on a character) to enhance drama.



        the_actor.attempts_to(DollyZoom.on("Alfred Hitchcock"))

    def on(character: str) -> "DollyZoom":
        """Specify the character to put in frame before dolly zooming."""
        return DollyZoom(character)

    @beat("{} executes a dramatic dolly zoom{detail}!")
    def perform_as(self, the_actor: Actor) -> None:
        """Direct the actor to dolly zoom on their camera."""
        if self.character:
            campy_session = the_actor.ability_to(ControlCameras).campy_session
            camera = campy_session.get_camera_on_character(self.character)
            zoom = Zoom.in_().on_camera(camera)
            zoom = Zoom.in_()


    def __init__(self, character: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        self.character = character
        self.detail = f" on {character}" if character else ""

As you can see, this Task simply performs three other Actions. Simultaneously, a cam_py Action which performs all given Actions at once; Dolly, which moves the camera in the direction specified; and Zoom, which zooms the camera in or out.

The beat() lines for each action will be read out by the Narrator. The DollyZoom Task’s line will appear to encapsulate the other Actions’ lines. This is what that looks like from the built-in StdOutAdapter:

INFO     screenpy:stdout_adapter.py:42 Cameron executes a dramatic dolly zoom!
INFO     screenpy:stdout_adapter.py:42     Cameron performs some thrilling camerawork simultaneously!
INFO     screenpy:stdout_adapter.py:42         Cameron dollies the active camera backward.
INFO     screenpy:stdout_adapter.py:42         Cameron zooms in.

Where to Go from Tasks