
There are several exceptions thrown about in ScreenPy. In general, they provide extra context after catching other, less descriptive exceptions.


class ScreenPyError

The base exception for all of ScreenPy.

class ResolutionError

Raised by a Resolution.

class QuestionError

Raised by a Question.

Ability Exceptions

class AbilityError

Raised by an Ability.

Action Exceptions

class ActionError

Raised by an Action.

class DeliveryError

The Action encountered an error while being performed.

class NotPerformable

Does not conform to Performable Protocol.

class UnableToAct

The Action is missing key information or is misconfigured.

Actor Exceptions

class UnableToPerform

The Actor lacks the Ability to perform an Action.

Director Exceptions

class UnableToDirect

Raised by the Director.

Narrator Exceptions

class UnableToNarrate

Raised by the Narrator.

Question Exceptions

class NotAnswerable

Does not conform to Answerable Protocol.

class UnableToAnswer

The Question encountered an error while being answered.

Resolution Exceptions

class NotResolvable

Does not conform to Resolvable Protocol.

class UnableToFormResolution

The Resolution is unable to produce its Matcher.